Author: Fred Carstensen
Better Health of Children: The Social and Economic Impacts of the Connecticut Diaper Bank
Malaise: Connecticut’s economy shrinks in 2017.
The Economic Impacts of the Norwich Public Utilities
Naugatuck Riverway Walk: Comprehensive Analysis
2018: Connecticut’s Economy Struggles to Recover
Connecticut’s Recession Lasted Longer than You Think
Recommendations to the Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth
Losing Jobs, Losing Income, and Worsening the Deficit; The Economic Impact of Connecticut’s Hospital Tax & Reimbursement Policies
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Flat Lining: Connecticut’s Disappearing Economic Growth
In early June, the federal Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) revised national 2015Q1 GDP estimates, including, unfortunately, strong downward revisions for Connecticut Real Gross State Product(RGSP), wiping out the strong growth reported in CCEA’s previous Outlook.